Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Catching up

Alright it seems this blogging thing has become more and more popular. My family, friends, and "work" have blogs. I just thought maybe I should jump on the band wagon. Alright... I guess I should explain me or what I have been doing. This is all still rather weird so I am sorry if I am not very good at this Blog thing. I also don't have the greatest writing skills, I will understand if you get bored and ignore this. I am an 18 year old high school grad. I haven't started college. Don't worry, I will not go to deeply into the mess that I call my mind right now. I am a dance teacher for Infinity Dance Studio and love it. Teaching always scared me, and it still is very much a learning exprience, but I am sooo very greatful for the chance to teach. The girls are amazing and I can see they are learning, which is a very good feeling! Not only am I teaching, but am on the Jazzerette dance team with Infinity. Yeah I am the oldest one on the team. Yes they are all in high school and some are not even there yet. However I am still learning a lot and man do I love dance. Its hard to explain what Infinity has done for me. They have helped me with who I am in so many ways. I will be forever greatful for what the teachers have done for me. I slack in showing my appreciation for them, but I do love them all! What will happen at the end of this year is a total guess, but I hope to be able to still dance some how as long as I possibly can, but we will see how things pan out. Well honestly thats pretty much about it. I dance, and hang out with my dorky friends who I love. Thats pretty much it. I do have a new found love for photography, but I am very much a beginner, but with all things... Practice makes Perfect! I am far from perfection on any level, but never hurts to try right? Alright, I think... thats it for now. Sorry if I have bored you with pointless information that will do you no good, but if you read for this long, you must have some intrest :P I will try to do better with "blogging" and see where life takes me.

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