Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well I will openly admit that I am a creature of habit. I get set in what I am doing and do it. During the week I dance then on the weekends I hang out with my friends and go to church. Obviously I do other things as well, but those are what I always do without fail. So when I know that it is going to change. It causes a little bit of a panic! Well lets just say reality is setting in. My best friends are leaving on missions and are in college. Although living at home rent free would be oh so exciting. I need to experience life. Now figuring out what to do has been taking a lot longer then I thought. My plan fell through, then the one after that... then the one after that. So I stopped trying to figure out what to do. I have some rather interesting options, but I just have no idea. I will find more out next week. So... I shall keep you upadated on that part. I do feel the pressure. It seems like everyone keeps bringing up the "H" or "M" word. A few have even thrown out the "B" word. It is kinda freaking me out!! (H= husband M= marriage and B= baby. In case you were not sure.) I mean I am really excited for all of those things, but I know it will still be awhile. I want all of it, but I don't think I am ready for it just yet. I know when the time comes it will happen, but right now I am far too confused. I over think far too many things. Some of the things I over think is so crazy it makes me wonder why I am even thinking about it! Ah sorry. I don't really know the point of this post. I guess just to kinda say... I have no idea what I am doing, but something is going to happen soon, and I don't know if I am ready for this. As I said... I will keep you updated :P

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