Sunday, March 22, 2009

Oh Ogden.

Being on a competitive dance team always has its challenges. For one you are constantly pushing your body past its limits. Not always a bad thing, it obviously makes you better, but can really break you. I have to say though, I am VERY blessed to be at the studio that I am. They never make me hate dance, only just want to be better. Any pushing that happens, doesn't make me have emotional break downs. It only makes me want to be better, because they know, and make sure that I know, that I can be better. The girls (and boy) that I dance with are phenomenal dancers. It is so awesome to be able to spend my time with them, I learn a lot and I love it. The teachers here are just.... words can't describe how great they are. They work so hard and we can tell how much they care about us. Now that I have said that. I will say the point to this. We had a showcase in Shelley and we did GREAT! We felt our dances did well, and that we would do awesome at our compititions! So our first one in Idaho Falls came up. Well we did pretty good. One team was.... lets just say the beat us! Which, it was the studio that some of my teachers went to growing up, so really we understood. Espcially because our studio is only on its third year! So we were still feeling pretty good. Then comes Ogden. Utah dancers are, well AMAZING. So watching solos the night before I couldn't stop thinking "we are so screwed." Well saturday came and it was time for us to dance. Speed Racer was first and well... It didn't go very well. I think we were just scared. Who wouldn't be though really. They are all ballerinas with perfect lines, perfect kicks, perfect turns... They were a force to be reckoned with. However! The hip hop was, well a little sad. So we go out with our Skippin dance, and it was the best we have ever done it. It felt SO good!! AH! Well the rest of the day happens and we are now sitting waiting to hear what the results are. Well our minis, and smalls kick butt! Our Jrs and us do... well... alright. Again, our hip hop did great! Our jazz/contep. not so much! So, just so you know, the winning soloist, and dance (not team, just dance) would get to perform with a professional group called Odyssey the following week. Well I don't know about the other dancers, but I didn't have my hopes up. So we get placed and they start to announce the top three dances. 3rd... 2nd... we didnt get either. Then first comes. They announce. SKIPPIN! Needless to say we all freaked out. Our teachers ran up and hugged us, we were screaming.. crying. Oh... it was happiness. =D So Utah... We will be working much harder in ballet to try to catch up with technique, but we will forever know that an Idaho Falls team, the underdogs of the compitition, came... and got the higest score. Which then gave us the opportunity of a a life time. Odyssey.